Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Life in a Mom's Lane

Well, I'm doing this for me. Because sometimes thoughts get so caught up in my head I can't think straight.
Between the kids, the husband, work, and home my life is constantly in motion with a few days off, I believe in "me" time, and relish in it when I get it.
I love to scrapbook, my kids are older now, and don't need mom as much as they used too, so I love diving into all those old pictures, and just going down memory lane remembering what they used to do when they were little and so on....time is but a fleeting moment, might as well scrapbook it!
And it's been told to me that when things are on your mind, or somethings bothering you, it's best to put it on paper so you don't dwell on it. Then walk away from it, and go back to that thought later...with a clear mind. We're going to see if that actually works!

Now, I'm not complaining about my life, I am very humble about what I have, I work hard for what I have, and I love what I have, that's not what this is about. This is about things that happen to me, by me, around me, that sometimes it's really hard for me to wrap my mind around and I don't "understand" because the thought's just jumbling around in my head....this is for me to get it out, and come back to it later. : )

This is for someone to walk in my shoes....climb in my head...see what's rolling around in there and give me advise...not that I'll listen to it, but advise is good! : )

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